All New Arduino Nano, out with the RP2040 Chip. Focuses on Cloud applications.

Hello, people of the tech world. We have been hearing of the standard Arduino Nano for years, and we might have used it in many of our projects. But now, a new generation of Arduino has come into the picture. It is based on a Raspberry Pi microprocessor. The same processor which we saw in the Raspberry Pi Pico, it’s the RP2040.
The RP2040 Processor
The Raspberry Pi Foundation made their first in-house silicon which is no exception.
This system-on-a-chip is a 32-bit dual-core Arm Cortex-M0+ micro-controller, clocked at 133MHz and is powerful enough to run TensorFlow Lite. It’s new but has become incredibly popular with makers, as well as electronics manufacturers. So it’s going to be incredibly exciting to see how the Arduino community reacts to it.
Cloud Feature Focused
Just like everything Arduino, the hardware of the Nano RP2040 Connect is barely half the story.
Right off the factory, this device is fully compatible with the Arduino Cloud. It landed at just the proper moment, as Arduino Cloud plans got an overhaul. These offer lots more on the free tier while bringing in an exceedingly.

Because the Nano RP2040 Connect could be a connected device, this discloses all sorts of possibilities. Not least of all over-the-air updates and programming. This feature alone can make a Cloud accompaniment to the board worthwhile. It gives you full, incredibly quick access to the hardware.
It can be true even after being deployed, installed, or buried within the guts of a project. If it’s got a WiFi signal, you’ll do everything as if it had been plugged in by USB. Furthermore, it’s the bonus of smartphone control through the Arduino IoT Remote app.
The Cloud even makes it super easy for your Nano RP2040 to hook up by communicating wirelessly with other boards. So any devices connected to your Arduino Cloud can communicate, and we’re not just talking about official Arduino boards.
Full of Features
A couple of weeks ago, they updated the official Arduino Mbed Core to produce native RP2040 support.

The plug-and-play nature of the Arduino Core means you’ll be able to use existing sketches you made for, say, a Nano 33 BLE Sense on your novel Nano RP2040 Connect. So you’ll have this small workhorse up and running within minutes if you’ve already been performing on some project sketches. Plus, it’s compatible with the complete RP2040 software ecosystem, so if this is often an upgrade for an existing RP2040 board, you’re good to travel.
If you’re just getting started on sketches for the device, it offers full support for MicroPython. There’s even a free OpenMV license bundled in for any machine vision projects you may have planned.
Meet the sole connected RP2040 board. It fits the Arduino Nano form factor, making it a little board with BIG features.
The brain of the board is that the Raspberry Pi RP2040 silicon, a dual-core Arm Cortex M0+ running at 133MHz. It’s 264KB of SRAM, and therefore the 16MB of non-volatile storage is off-chip to offer you additional storage.
But what’s exciting is that the onboard connectivity options. The hugely popular and highly adaptable u-blox NINA-W102 radio module is on there to form a real IoT champion. It means you’ll be able to harness the Cloud facility with fully Arduino Cloud compatibility.
It’s got onboard, built-in sensors to show your builds into powerhouse projects, too. Microphone and motion-sensing add a depth of possibilities that’s almost impossible to seek out in an exceeding board of this size.
The Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect is the premium choice for RP2040 devices, and therefore the perfect option for upgrading your projects and unlocking the potential of recent ones.
WiFi Featured
- The u-blox NINA-W102 radio module makes this the sole connected RP2040 option. It gives you full WiFi 802.11b/g/n connectivity, together with Bluetooth® and BLE v4.2.
Sensor Overload
- Packed onto this little board are a pair of very useful sensors. A built-in mic is there for sound activation, audio control, and even AI voice recognition. The six-axis smart IMU with AI capabilities tells the board how it’s moving and adds fall sensing and double-tap activation.
Complex Hardware
- It might be a tiny low board, but the Nano RP2040 Connect packs a hardware punch. Moreover, it matches the established Arduino Nano form factor, making it the proper upgrade for projects of all sizes.
- With 16MB non-volatile storage external to the microprocessor, there are bags of room for your code and storage needs.
Power Pins
- The programmable I/O pins have functions that bigger boards only dream of; 22 digital, 20 with PWM, and eight analogs.
Raspberry Pi Pico Compatible
- Smart software options for an awfully smart device. It’s full support for the complete RP2040 software ecosystem.
Arduino Lover
- Supports the Arduino programing language, the IDE 2.0, and every one of those awesome libraries.
Python Power
- Full support for MicroPython. Get a Nano RP2040 Connect, and it comes with a FREE OpenMV license for machine vision.
Arduino Cloud Ready
- Program and operate the Nano RP2040 Connect directly from your browser. Fully compatible from day one. Upload your sketches remotely over the air with an instant device from the free Arduino IoT Remote smartphone app.
- The Arduino Nano RP connect additionally available without headers mounted

Final Words
The feature-packed Arduino® Nano RP2040 Connect brings the new Raspberry Pi RP2040 microcontroller to the Nano form factor.
Make the foremost of the dual-core 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M0+ to make the Internet of Things projects with Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity because of the U-blox® Nina W102 module. Dive into real-world projects with the onboard accelerometer, gyroscope, RGB LED, and microphone. The external The Arduino® Nano RP2040 Connect is pin-compatible with the Nano form factor to develop robust solutions with minimal effort!
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