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With a digital multimeter

Resistors: Set the multimeter in resistance mode, and measure the resistance across the multimeter. The reading should correspond to an approximate value of the resistor, which you may cross-verify by calculating the colour codes on the resistor.
Capacitors: Set the multimeter in continuity mode and check for a beep as you connect the leads across the resistors. If it does, the capacitor is blown out as capacitors aren’t supposed to conduct DC currents. LED: Set the multimeter in continuity mode and check if the LED glows when you connect the leads across the appropriate (positive and negative) terminals. If it does, your LED works fine.
Diodes: Set the multimeter in diode mode, and measure the forward bias voltage. For a silicon diode, it should be between 0.5-0.7 V, and for a germanium diode it should be 0.2-0.3 V. In case if it shows O.L or values lesser than stated, the diodes are either blown out or shorted out, respectively.

With a circuit board
LED: You can construct a circuit that takes 5V input to the positive lead of the LED, with a 330+ ohm resistor in between the power source and the LED, connected in series (to limit the current). The negative lead should be connected to ground. If the LED glows when the supply is turned on, it indicates that the LED works fine.
Resistors and capacitors can be checked if it’s functioning properly by measuring the voltage between the two leads with a multimeter while in operation.


The most popular electronic component uses

The most popular electronic component uses
Electronic components are the fundamental building blocks for any electronic device. Components like resistors and capacitors ensure that there’s a control over the electric currents that pass across the devices, preventing any sort of short circuit or uncontrolled flow of current.
But the possibilities of what you can do with it are limitless. You can easily put various components together to create whatever your imagination permits.. Electronics have taken over the world! And it’s with reason. It gives us an easy way to create and prototype our ideas, to make the world a better place
How to solder electronic components?

How to solder electronic components?

Soldering is a process in which two or more metal items are joined together by melting and then flowing a filler metal into the joint the filler metal having a relatively low melting point. It is used to form a permanent connection between electronic components.

The tools required for soldering are

  • Soldering Iron
    – Solder
    – Flux
    – Soldering Station (optional)
    – Stand (optional)


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