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Automatic Temp Control Exhaust Fan DIY Experiments Science Project Model STEM KIT (Assembled), 100% Tested

(24 customer reviews)

Original price was: ₹1,025.00.Current price is: ₹599.00. + GST

  1. Complete Automatic Temperature Control Exhaust Fan STEM Kit, 100% tested and assembled.
  2. Includes full documentation: circuit diagrams, PCB layout, and testing documents.
  3. Easy-to-understand tutorial videos available on YouTube.
  5. Get 100% support during working hours (11 AM – 6 PM) via email at
  6. Fastest delivery across India for reliable performance in electronics projects.
  7. This kit is perfect for electronics enthusiasts and students working on automation and robotics projects.

99 in stock

Automatic Temp Control Exhaust Fan
This item: Automatic Temp Control Exhaust Fan DIY Experiments Science Project Model STEM KIT (Assembled), 100% Tested

99 in stock

1,025.00 599.00 + GST
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This Automatic Temperature Control Exhaust Fan kit uses an NTC thermistor, LM393 comparator IC, and a relay to automatically detect temperature changes and activate the fan. It includes a red LED indicator that glows when the temperature rises and the fan is operational.

How It Works:

  • NTC Thermistor: Acts as a temperature detector. Its resistance decreases with temperature rise.
  • LM393 Comparator IC: Compares input signals to activate the relay.
  • Relay: Acts as a switch to control the fan and LED based on the temperature detected.

Circuit Applications:
The circuit ensures efficient temperature regulation, making it suitable for applications like:

  • Automation and robotics projects.
  • Educational science experiments.
  • Practical use in controlling small exhaust fans in temperature-sensitive environments.

Why Choose This Kit:

  • Optimized for Indian environmental conditions.
  • Works on a reliable 5V DC power supply.
  • Simplified circuit design for easy assembly and testing.
  • Comprehensive instructions provided for a smooth DIY experience.

How to Assemble and Test:

  1. Read the manual thoroughly to understand the circuit and components.
  2. Solder the components onto the PCB following the instructions.
  3. Test the kit by exposing the NTC thermistor to heat, such as a soldering gun. The LED should glow, and the fan should turn ON automatically.

Components Included:

  • LM393 Comparator IC
  • NTC Thermistor
  • Red and Green LEDs
  • Variable resistor (10k Ohm)
  • 5V USB cable
  • Mini Exhaust Fan
  • PCB and other miscellaneous components

This kit ensures a hands-on learning experience, teaching essential electronic concepts while delivering practical results.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Educational Value: Ideal for students and DIY enthusiasts to learn about temperature control systems.
  • Ease of Use: Pre-assembled and 100% tested for hassle-free operation.
  • Comprehensive Support: Includes detailed documentation and YouTube tutorials for step-by-step guidance.
  • Versatile Applications: Suitable for automation, robotics, and educational projects.


  1. Automatic Temp Control Exhaust Fan STEM Kit
  2. DIY Electronics Projects India
  3. LM393 Comparator Circuit Kit
  4. Temperature Control DIY Kit
  5. Buy Exhaust Fan STEM Kit Online

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