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HCF4033 Decade counter IC

(34 customer reviews)

Original price was: ₹178.00.Current price is: ₹43.46. + GST

nan Perfect for use in various electronics projects in India, 4033 Decade counter IC ensures reliability and performance. Ideal for various electronics projects, 4033 Decade counter IC offers quality and performance.

30 in stock

  • The HCF4033B is a monolithic integrated circuitfabricated in Metal Oxide Semiconductortechnology available in DIP and SOP packages.The HCF4033B consists of a 5-stages Johnsondecade counter and an output decoder whichconverts the Johnson code to a 7 segmentdecoded output for driving one stage in anumerical display. This device is particularlyadvantageous in display applications where lowpower dissipation and/or low package count areimportant. This device has CLOCK, RESET,CLOCK INHIBIT, RIPPLE BLANKING, LAMPTEST input, CARRY OUT, RIPPLE BLANKINGand 7 DECODED outputs (a to g).A high RESET signal clears the decade counter toits zero count. The counter is advanced one countat the positive clock signal transition if the CLOCKINHIBIT signal is low. Counter advancement viathe clock line is inhibited when the CLOCKINHIBIT signal is high. Antilock gating is providedon the JOHNSON counter, thus assuring propercounting sequence. The CARRY-OUT (COUT)
  • signal completes one cycle every ten CLOCKINPUT cycles and is used to clock the succeedingdecade directly in a multi-decade counting chain.

Key Applications: Used widely in electronic circuits, automation, robotics, and educational projects. Optimized for reliable performance in India-specific environments and conditions.

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Applications: Suitable for electronics projects, automation, and educational purposes. Widely used in Indian and international markets.

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