How electronic components work?

Electronic gadgets have become an integral part of our lives. They have made our lives more comfortable and convenient. From aviation to medical and healthcare industries, electronic gadgets have a wide range of applications in the modern world. In fact, the electronics revolution and the computer revolution go hand in hand. Most gadgets have tiny electronic circuits that …

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Different Types of Electronic Switches and their uses

Different Types of Electronic Switches A switch is a mechanism designed to disrupt the flow of current in a circuit, that is, to make or break an electrical circuit. To perform ON and OFF operation of the system, each electrical and electronics application uses at least one switch. The switches are also part of a control system and it …

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Different Types of Batteries and Their Applications

Different Types of Batteries Nickel Cadmium For years, Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cd) batteries have been the standard technology, but today they are out of date and they are no longer used by new laptops. They are heavy and very susceptible to the’ memory effect.’ It “remembers the old charge when recharging a NiCd battery that has not been …

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Integrated Circuit Wholesale Suppliers in India

A Quick Guide to Integrated Circuit An integrated circuit (IC) is a semiconductor wafer on which thousands or millions of tiny resistors, capacitors, and transistors are made, often referred to as a chip or microchip. An IC may act as a microprocessor, oscillator, timer, counter, computer memory, or amplifier. Depending on its intended use a specific IC is classified …

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Are Push Button Switches better than the others

Push Button Switches – An electric switch is any device used in a circuit to disrupt the movement of electrons. In essence, switches are binary devices: they are either entirely on (“closed”) or completely off (“open”). There are several different types of switches, and in this blog, we will be discussing some of these types before you buy push …

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Push Button Switch Types

Types of Push Button Switches Push Button Switch Types – In order to operate, electrical circuits need to be complete. The electricity must be able to flow through the different wires and components uninterrupted. But circuits that are full all the time aren’t as helpful as those that just work when we want them to. This …

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